HSF’s Tree Planting Day

On May 1, 2022, HSF was thrilled to host youth and volunteers for its “Tree Planting Day ,” and environmental awareness initiative,  with the support of Agronome: Lecoltre Vladimmy.

Vocal Practice for New HSF Radio Station

https://youtu.be/xTDn8HZfwzA Students practicing their vocals  while taking communications training to be ready for the new radio, LANESS (Nippes-Education-Santé-Sports) Radio FM,  which will help the community in program development, civism, and the environment.

HSF Students in Communication Class

HSF students taking communication classes to get ready to contribute to the newly radio station scheduled to launch in April 2022. https://haitiansportsfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/WhatsApp-Video-2022-03-12-at-8.47.12-PM.mp4