Ever since its inception, HSF has conducted an annual camp whereby volunteers from the US travel to Haiti to work with the children. This year, the camp took a different dimension with the introduction of Track & Field headed by Mr. Denis Dadi, a former Olympian in this field, and US Cross-Fit instruction lead by Dawn Bancroft.

Children from Anse-à-Veau and Carrefour made the 180 kms and 20 kms trip to Port-au-Prince to join the nine executive team members from the US. The program focused on Math, Communication, Computer, US History and Interviewing Skills. As extracurricular activities were Karate, Cross-Fit exercise type, Step Dance and Singing. The children were grouped based on their interest and capability. A total of 40 children participated in the camp.
The HSF children are intelligent, talented, and have high aspirations. Among them were public speakers, a poet, song writers, rappers, dancers, musicians, and more. These talents were showcased in the closing event during which each child received a Certificate of Completion.
Also, the volunteers identified and committed to pay a one year English class for ten students who demonstrated interest and had basic knowledge of the language. These children will receive support by a local company which will assist them in acquiring advance knowledge of the English language.
The 2015 Spring Camp volunteers were (first row from left to right) Local University Math Intern Louis James Kelson who has been hired to provide math tutoring to the children, Dawn Bancroft, Cross-Fit and US History Instructor, Sarada Gandi, Math and Computer Skills Instructor, Huberte Esperance, Administrator, Turnier Esperance, President, Georges Aschkar, Jr., Vice President & Treasurer and Martial Arts Supervisor, Kathryn González, Step Dance and Singing Instructor, Luz González, Communication and Interview Skills Instructor, Dadi Denis, Track & Field Coach.
Also, Wayne Summerline, Photographer and Mario Arthur, HSF President emeritus.
The local Martial Arts monitors are Diegue Blendel and Wilfrid Jean-Pierre.
Please be advised, Rev. Love Smith manages the Soccer program. Unfortunately, Rev. Smith was unable to join us in this trip, but will be in Haiti in July to oversee the Soccer competitions.
Every child received a back pack filled with school supplies and basic need items provided by the Alpha Tau Delta Fraternity, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and other donors.

HSF interviewed by local TV Network
Yes! Yes! Yes! A local television network interviewed various HSF executive members who shared the great impact HSF has had in Haiti since 2006. Also, two teenagers, Jean Pierry Laudocet and Fredner Edouardo, spoke about the various programs they had been exposed to and all the knowledge acquired in the camp as well as the impact HSF has had in their lives. Within a couple of days the interview was rolled out in national TV.
Thank You
On behalf of HSF’s Executive Team, we want to express our appreciation to you, our loyal anonymous Sagaponack contributor, who made this camp possible.
A special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Ganti for their generous donation toward the construction of the upcoming HSF computer center, Elyse Palmer from the Alpha Tau Delta Fraternity, IUP, who organized the back pack drive, Luis Maldonado who drove from Pennsylvania to ensure delivery of all the items in New York, and the members of the Word of Faith Church for the many items donated.
Last, but not least, a wholeheartedly thank you to all our volunteers. Remember that your love, and genuine care, along with your skills, touched the lives of all the children in the camp. You will forever be in their hearts. We hope you can join us again in the spring 2016.
We already began recruiting volunteers for the 2016 Children’s’ Camp. If you have academic, health, arts, music, language or sports skills you wish to share, we welcome you. High school and college students will receive a Community Service Certificate. Translators will be with you at all times. We guarantee you a life changing experience.
Event Calendar
July 13-19 Soccer and Track & Field competitions in Haiti
Stay Tuned
Theme Park Trip – more information coming soon
Annual Gala Event – date to be determined
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