“Haiti was an unforgettable experience; the Haitian community welcomed us with open arms and allowed us to learn more about their culture! I will cherish the wonderful memories that were created in this beautiful country with these amazing people! ” – Amélie Hachey

My trip to Haiti was unforgettable. It is such a beautiful country and it was awesome getting to experience such amazing culture and traditions with some of the most friendly and welcoming people I have ever met. – Aliisa Heiskanen

Haiti Chérie, tu resteras toujours un voyage inoubliable. Se rassembler pour construire un terrain de basket-ball sur lequel des jeunes vont pouvoir s’amuser, apprendre, rêver pour des années à venir est tout simplement magique. Partager sa passion, s’immerger dans une autre culture, créer des liens avec de nouvelles personnes, faire rires les petits, c’est incomparable. Mèsi anpil pour cette magnifique expérience. – Brigitte Lefebvre-Okankwu

“The community really set the tone for the whole experience. From the moment we stepped off the plane, I felt welcomed. To be immersed in a new culture is not always easy, but in this case I felt comfortable and in good hands. I loved eating the local good and dancing the kompa. Also, the landscape was amazing and I can<t count the amount of times I said “woooww”! Seeing the smiles and the happiness flowing through the village will forever remain my best memory. I really enjoyed seeing the people from Anse-a-Veau coming together when building the court and in addition hearing what the founders of HSF had in store for the youth of the village made me proud to have been part of the project. I would like to thank again everyone who took part in the well-functioning of this whole trip! I look forward to meet you again! – Adonaelle Mousamboté

Haiti is a trip that will always be close to my heart. Before the trip, there was a lot of doubt, people were worries if it was going to be safe. As soon as we landed, however, the people of Haiti were so welcoming. Anse-a-Veau treated us like their own: encouraging us to dance, treating us with delicious good and teaching us their traditions. I have never been on a trip that has consisted of so many laughs! From helping build the court to relaxing in the ocean, there was a smile. Thank you to everyone who made this trip possible. -Brooklynn McAlear

My favourite part of Haiti was getting to know the community in Anse-a-Veau. Sharing this experience with all of these amazing people is what made this trip so special. It was great to experience a new culture and seeing how sports can bring a community together. – Anne Carr

Haiti is a magical place and I consider myself very lucky to have been able to see not only the beautiful country but the amazing people as well. It was great to have the opportunity to work alongside the community to build the basketball court we spent the year fundraising for. It was definitely hot and not easy, but ot see even the children come and give us a hand really showed how important this project is to them. It makes me so happy to know that now this community will have the chance to play basketball, a sport that has given me so much throughout my life. – Jennifer Crowe

Haïti – Quoi dire sur ce voyage inoubliable? La beauté du pays vient non seulement de ses paysages pittoresques, mais aussi des gens qui y habitent. Nous nous sommes senti bienvenu et accueilli à bras ouvert par la communauté de Anse-à-Veau! Merci à tout le monde de nous avoir partager une petite parcelle de votre merveilleuse culture. Ce fut un grand plaisir de travailler avec HSF pour redonner aux enfants un peu du bonheur que nous avons trouvé à travers un sport que nous aimons tant. – Isabelle Dion